November 2017 Newsletter

Learn Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) then train to teach!

In 2018: Participate in the MSC intensive for personal development in January then the MSC teacher training intensive for professional development in June.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Learn to manage stress in this 8-week psycho-educational group at The Centre (Nov 29) or in Guelph (Feb 7)
Fee: $520
Learn more
Mindfully-Informed CBT
Starting February 26: This10-week Cognitive Behaviour Therapy builds skills that enables you to interrupt thoughts and behaviours.
Learn more
MBCT is an 8-week group for coping with anxiety and depression. Programs at The Centre, in North TorontoGuelph, in Ottawa.
Fee: $520
Learn more
See calendar for all upcoming mindfulness programs here
Mindfulness, not just meds for pain sufferers, experts urge

Patients living with chronic pain need more than medication; they need to learn how to “rewire” their brains to deal with their condition, according to two experts speaking at an international health-care conference in Ottawa: “Live beside the pain, and not in it. We need to teach mindfulness as a stress reduction, because the brain has elasticity and we have to try and train your brain to pay attention to other aspects of your life.” Read full article on CBC News

Donate to Our Community Program Here
We are committed to making mindfulness-based therapy more accessible for the disadvantaged.

Master of mindfulness, Jon Kabat-Zinn: ‘People are losing their minds. That is what we need to wake up to’

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) has been shown to be at least as effective as antidepressants at preventing relapse and, in a two-year trial by Willem Kuyken’s team. In one trial of 173 people, it was also found to reduce the severity of current depression, with an average 37% reduction in symptoms

Continue Reading in The Guardian

Cut-a-thon & Mindful Cushion Swap This Holiday!

Our friends at NavigateSalon and Little Bird Salon are having a CUT-A-THON on December 3rd to fundraise for #MindfulnessforMentalHealth.
Give your old cushion a new meaning.

Would you like to sit on new meditation cushions? If so, give your gently used meditation cushions to the Centre for Mindfulness Studies and receive a 20% discount on your purchase of REALthings cushions.

Your donated cushion will go directly to a disadvantaged client participating in a Centre for Mindfulness Studies Community Program. And for every 10 cushions donated, REALthings will also donate a new cushion to this program. Find out how to give your cushion and receive your discount here.

Happy Holidays from All of Us!

Professional Development

Start: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
2025-03-19 04:00:00
Start: Tuesday, April 22, 2025
2025-04-22 04:00:00