Policies for refunds & participation


In-person Program Policies


We are thrilled to finally welcome you back to our space and continue to practice mindfulness as a community together. As we mindfully re-open our doors this fall, we continue to keep your health and safety as our top priority.

1. Health Policy

We will follow the City of Toronto Public Health Guidelines and make updates to our health policy as required. The guidelines can be viewed here.

Masks are currently optional. We encourage all participants to act in accordance with what feels best and most comfortable for themselves. We will have masks available for your use in our group space should you chose to wear one.

We ask that you continue to abide by health and hygiene etiquette to keep our community safe and do not come to our location if you are:

    • Displaying symptoms of Covid-19
    • Have tested positive for Covid-19
    • Have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive

If you feel sick and have to miss a session:

    • We ask that you please stay at home and notify the facilitator(s) via email. We ask that you please review handouts and complete home practices for the missed session and contact the facilitator if you have any questions. If you unfortunately have to miss more than one session due to illness, we are able to offer you a transfer to another program at another time either online or in person (note: you will need to start the program over and not join just for the sessions you missed).
    • If the facilitators of the program should both become unwell, we will look at extending the session date by adding another session on or moving the program online if needed. Please note that facilitators will also be following their regulatory college guidelines in regard to Covid-19 policy.

2. Cleaning/Disinfecting

  • We ask participants to bring their own yoga mat if possible.
  • We have purchased HEPA Air Purifiers to ensure proper ventilation and quality of air flow.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available, and we encourage you to use it upon entering the space.
  • Cleaning/disinfecting of all high touch areas will be completed before each session.
  • Natural Health Canada approved wipes will be provided for participants to use on mats and chairs after use for disinfecting purposes.


Payment, Cancellation & Refund Policies


1. Payment Policy

All purchases made online using a credit card are subject to a non-refundable processing fee. This fee is charged by the ticketing service. If this is not available to you, please contact us at info@mindfulnessstudies.com.

2. Program/Course Cancellations

If your program/course is cancelled, you are entitled to a full refund. You will be contacted at least three business days prior to the start date of the program/course if a cancellation is made.

3. Refunds 

Refunds are dependent on the type of program, please see below for more information.

A. Beginners and Introductory Workshops

Please note that there are no refunds for introductory workshops.

B. Professional Development Courses (1- and 2-day only; see Section D for retreats and intensives)

If you give at least five business days’ notice before the course’s start date you will receive the full tuition less a $50 fee.
If you give less than five business days’ notice prior to the start date of a course no refund will be available.
After the course has begun no refunds will be available.

C. Therapeutic Programs

If you give at least five business days’ notice before the program’s start date you will receive the full tuition less a $50 fee. Please note the Orientation & Interview session qualifies as the start date. If you give less than five business days’ notice before the start date of a program no refund will be available. For our in person programs, if you become unwell before the start of the program please let us know and we can transfer you to an online program or a program at a later date. If you become unwell during the program and miss more than one session, we are able to offer you a transfer to another program at a later time either online or in person.

D. Retreats & Intensives

If you give at least 30 business days’ notice prior to the retreat start date, you will receive the full tuition less a $200 fee.
If you give 20 – 29 business days’ notice prior to the retreat start date, you will receive a 50% refund.
If you give 10 – 19 business days’ notice prior to the retreat start date, you will receive a 25% refund.
If you give less than 10 business days’ notice prior to the retreat start date, no refund will be available.

After the retreat has started no refunds will be available.

To make any requests for refunds please email: info@mindfulnessstudies.com

This payment policy was last modified on October 8th, 2021.


Participation Policies

Missed Orientation

In exceptional circumstances, registrants who miss the O&I session can request their intake interview take place before Session 1. If they miss both the O&I session and Session 1, they cannot stay in the program.

Missed Session

Participants cannot join a different group for just one or two sessions. They are a part of the group in which they registered and they stay with that group for all program sessions. If they have to miss a session, they should read the handout and do the home practice.

Friends & Relatives

The Centre does not allow partners/spouses, first degree relatives, and close friends to participate in the same group. If they do register for the same group, one registrant may be asked to transfer to a different group either by Centre staff or the program facilitator(s). Transfers / refunds resulting from this situation will incur a $50 admin fee.

Please note that there are few exceptions to this policy – if you believe your situation is exceptional, please contact us before registering.

ProDev Participants

Program registrants who are taking a clinical program as a training prerequisite or for other professional development purposes are expected to participate in the program like any other group member. Any questions to facilitators regarding why the program is delivered the way it is or the purposes behind facilitator comments will remain unanswered.

Therapy Clients

Upon request, facilitators are welcome to take a program participant on as a therapy client once the program is finished. Facilitators are also welcome to encourage therapy clients to register for a program that they are facilitating. However, the Centre considers it a conflict of interest for a facilitator to continue individual therapy sessions with a program participant for the duration of the program. Faculty are asked to suspend such individual therapy and only see the client during the group sessions.

Professional Development

Start: Wednesday, October 30, 2024
2024-10-30 04:00:00
Start: Monday, November 18, 2024
2024-11-18 05:00:00
Start: Friday, January 17, 2025
2025-01-17 05:00:00
Start: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
2025-03-19 04:00:00